Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Vacant Houses Can't Opt Out of Phone Books

Post and photo by the Hawthorne Hawkman

Earlier this morning, a Minneapolis resident posted a phone book opt-out link on the Minneapolis Issues Forum.  This link allows you to opt out of receiving three phone books:  Dex, Supermedia, and Yellowbook.  I opted out and it took me roughly five minutes.  Ed Kohler of The Deets has made phone books somewhat of a personal crusade.  And we're  not the only ones who have an issue with the phone book litter problem.

Opting out of phone books does indeed help reduce waste, but we're still left with the problem of inattentive delivery people who consistently leave these piles of garbage at clearly vacant properties.  If the city of Minneapolis would enforce the littering penalties (look at the bottom of page six of the link) and start charging the phone book companies $80 per book left at a vacant unit, then maybe I wouldn't need to spend my free time picking them up myself.  Since I have a working Blackberry, an internet connection, and a couch with all four legs firmly in place, I have no need for these wastes of paper.  If that ever changes, well, I can just go to the nearest vacant house and likely find several books that will suit my needs.

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