Minneapolis is proposing a sweeping change to how landlords can screen tenants. The ordinance is, well, problematic enough to rouse me from my slumber. I've got a few blog posts left in me on this site and then I'm doing my best to look forward instead of back at my old town.
The proposed changes can be found here and here.
And it's not all bad, to be honest. But like a lot of what this council does, this proposal takes some good and necessary changes, adds in some trendy left-wing buzzwords, mimics west-coast policies that may or may not apply to the realities of a Minnesota marketplace, tosses those in a blender with some predetermined conclusions and today's ideological purity requirements, and presto! That's how you get new city code! Schoolhouse Rock really ought to write a song about this, but it's tough to find words that rhyme with "ordinance."
I do want to break this down into the good, the maybe, and the ugly. First, the good parts...